Fraudulent bankruptcy, jail time and return the £300,000.
Julie Spalding, an elderly woman in the U.K., passed away and left her window cleaner her entire estate. Spalding’s nephew challenged the will in court and won, according to the Telegraph in "Window cleaner bequeathed £300,000 by customer faces jail for failing to hand money back to her family."
Spalding’s nephew had originally been the heir to her money, after years of caring for her. However, he said she then became belligerent with him. She then befriended the man who washes her windows. When she passed away, he was named in the will to receive her assets.
After hearing the case, the court ordered the window cleaner to pay back all of the money he had received from Spalding's estate.
He refused, however, and instead claimed he had already lost it all.
He even claimed that much of it had been in cash in his car, when the car was repossessed. To avoid given anything back, he obtained a bankruptcy judgment.
The window cleaner now appears to have been lying.
Through many small transactions, he transferred the money to his family members for safekeeping and opened many small bank accounts to stash some of the money.
He now faces possible jail time for his scheme.
The court case has been suspended, so that he can obtain legal representation.
Reference: Telegraph (Aug. 30, 2017) "Window cleaner bequeathed £300,000 by customer faces jail for failing to hand money back to her family."