Travelers to Mars may take pills to reverse the aging process
A way to reverse the aging process may have been found and NASA is looking at it for space travelers, according to the Daily Mail in "Would YOU choose to live forever? Age-reversing pill that NASA wants to give to astronauts on Mars will begin trials within six months."
Our cells continuously divide throughout our lives, with some cells dying and other replacing the deceased one. However, a slight deterioration in the cell and in the DNA of the cell occurs, resulting in the aging process.
A way to reverse the aging process may have been found. If the report and trials bear additional investigation, then scientists can reverse the deterioration from cell division that causes aging.
This would have potential benefits for astronauts, because space travel is extremely dangerous.
Astronauts are exposed to radiation that causes the cell deterioration to increase.
NASA is interested in this drug as a possible way to protect astronauts on a trip to Mars.
It would also be helpful for all aging people and change estate planning.
Reference: Daily Mail (March 23, 2017) "Would YOU choose to live forever? Age-reversing pill that NASA wants to give to astronauts on Mars will begin trials within six months."